Our Outreach & Education Mission
The Climate Resilience Partnership is a combination of research, demonstration, and educational outreach projects to address the challenges of flooding, stream and watershed management, and climate change. As part of this project, Cornell University and Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE), in partnership with the NYS Water Resources Institute at Cornell University and with support from the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation’s Hudson River Estuary Program, are conducting an educational initiative with a focus on flood resiliency and climate change. This effort provides communities with tools to enhance their understanding of stream dynamics, floodplain function and watershed planning to reduce their vulnerability to floods in an era of increasing heavy precipitation events. The project evaluates the capacity of communities to respond to floods in a manner that reduces future flooding impacts and ensures the long-term viability of stream systems. Outreach efforts include presentations and trainings for municipalities, resources to assist in planning to reduce vulnerability to flooding, education for streamside landowners, and fact sheets regarding jurisdiction in streams and what agencies to contact during and after flood events. This project includes a collaboration with the Lower Hudson Coalition of Conservation Districts to deliver post-flood stream intervention trainings to highway personnel and contractors.