Conserving Nature in Your Community

The value of open space has just gone up

Dedicated hikers and trail enthusiasts may have noticed the recent spike in foot traffic on our favorite trails in the Hudson Valley. With everyone’s plans canceled due to fears of the coronavirus, even the most lightly traveled footpaths are experiencing a renaissance of activity. State parks in the Catskills, wildlife sanctuaries, historic sites ­­-- it seems everywhere you turn people are rediscovering the simple pleasures of sun, forest, and a healthy dose of Spring mud. 

#RecreateLocal - Safely and Responsibly: During the COVID-19 public health crisis, getting outdoors locally and connecting with nature (while social distancing) is a way to help maintain physical and mental health. For ideas to connect with nature while social distancing, see our recreation guidance and online resources for kid-friendly nature exploring.

We’d like to take this moment to celebrate our open space and the value it has. To learn more about a local community’s decision to prioritize natural, open spaces by designating "CEAs," view our latest Adaptation Inspiration short video:

VIDEO LINK: Conserving Nature in Your Community (English captions)

VIDEO LINK: Conserving Nature in Your Community (Spanish captions)

This video highlights how conservation planning can help communities build a more resilient future. Critical Environmental Areas (CEAs) are areas designated by a community that have exceptional qualities like ecological value, a beautiful natural setting, or cultural significance. The beautiful Town of Wawarsing in Ulster County, NY adopted the Critical Environmental Area designation for two ecologically-important resources in the community after completing a natural resources inventory and open space plan. Thanks to this work, any potential impacts to the quality of these critical areas must be considered during environmental review.

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Town of North Greenbush completes Climate Smart Resiliency evaluation