Building Long-term Resilience to Extreme Weather and Climate Change in the Hudson River Estuary Watershed
The Climate Resilience Partnership (CRP) is a combination of research, demonstration, and educational outreach projects to address the challenges of flooding, stream and watershed management, and climate change. It is a partnership being led by the New York State Water Resources Institute at Cornell University and Cornell Cooperative Extension, with support from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s Hudson River Estuary Program. This project was initiated in summer 2012.
Climate Smart Communities
Climate Smart Communities is a New York State program that helps local governments take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a changing climate.
The CCE Climate Resilience project is actively involved with the Climate Smart Communities program, providing outreach, education, and technical assistance to Hudson Valley and New York State communities.
Current & Ongoing Projects
The CCE Climate Resilience project is working with municipalities and other organizations in the Hudson Valley and throughout New York State to address the concerns of climate change and to assist communities in developing resilient plans and tools.
Here are a number of the current and ongoing projects that the team is involved in.
Resources for Communities
A major component of the CCE Climate Resilience project is developing and compiling resources for municipal officials, highway personnel, local residents, and other community stakeholders that are based on sound science and current data.
Here is a wealth of resources and tools that might be beneficial for you and your community.

Project Leader: Carolyn Klocker
(845) 677-8223 x 130